Hair is a part of your identity. Whether it’s long, cut short, dreaded, a wig, weave or you are sporting your natural curl pattern, your hair is unique and an extension of you.

The way we wear our hair can be a defining characteristic like with internet personality, GotDamnZo.

GotDamnZo, also known as Zoie, started off with Vine and Instagram videos. But his career has taken off and given him screen time on the series such as MTV’s Wildin Out.  His fans can spot him in a crowd from one major physical attribute. That’s right. His dreads.

But recently Zoie decided to make a drastic change- he cut his famous dreads. On the first video he posted with his new hairdo, people commented more on his new look than the content.

Even I was a bit taken back!

Why was cutting his hair such a big deal for people? First of all, growing dreads requires lots of time and patience. So for someone, anyone, to start over with a new style is a big deal.

Then again, you have other people who say their hair doesn’t define them, it’s the other way around. I make the style, the style doesn’t make it.


Nonetheless,  hair connects us to history and heritage. More people these days are choosing to keep their hair natural instead of adding chemicals like a perm.

People tend to go through drastic changes in their personal lives that coincide with new hairdos. I recently dyed my hair blonde to represent the big changes I wanted to manifest in this new year. Zoie cut his hair for his own reasons. But every change is not an option.

A part of postpartum that many women don’t know about is the hair loss. I thought I was going to escape that one but unfortunately 4 months postpartum, I am starting to see the changes in my hair.

It goes to show you how hair can tell someone about your personal situation. Women who have experienced postpartum hair loss aren’t the only ones. As men get older, they tend to have a rescinding hairline. Some try to cover it up while others embrace the added years of wisdom.

A part of postpartum that many women don’t know about is the hair loss. I thought I was going to escape that one but unfortunately 4 months postpartum, I am starting to see the changes in my hair.

And the biggest sign of hair loss showing off personal details would be in people who are sick. Undergoing treatments like radiation and chemotherapy. Hair is more complicated than deciding between wearing it in a bun or straightened. It goes through struggles and experiments just like we do. Our hair gets judged just like we do.