From managing stress to dealing with our family and friends, we all have ways to tackle those tough points in our lives.
To celebrate the launch of our Spring 2021 edition, we asked our spring interns how a fresh start has been transpiring in their lives.
Click on the individual squares below to read their stories!
Deanna Kenner: “Every moment is a fresh beginning.”—T.S Elliot “I can say that I have bounced back from my low point back in December 2020! Or just all of 2020 to be honest. My fresh start truly began soon after my graduation. However, this was not because of new job opportunities or the new freedom that came post-graduation. No. My fresh start began because I changed my mindset on life. More specifically how progression works in life. I realized that you do not have to impress anyone but yourself. If you are happy, then that is enough. It is okay to just exist as a human being without having all these societal accolades, credentials, etc. Because existing nowadays is already an achievement. I am (and I believe this for others as well) enough, and I am worthy of anyone’s time, attention, and love. Once realizing this, I have become a lot happier and it’s absolutely liberating!”
Chalise Thomas: “Throughout my years in college, I have realized how necessary it is to take care of yourself; physically, mentally, and emotionally. Fresh starts are important and can help you breathe in such a suffocating world.”“Lately, I have been trying to keep my stress level under control as well as my mental health. A week ago, I decided to introduce myself to a fresh start by taking up the practice of crochet. Right now, I’m learning how to crochet a blanket. I started the practice in hope that it will take my mind off the stress of life and school. I believe mental health is important and that we should take care of it by all means.
Mia Hollie:
“Ironically, I have always depended on the opinions of others when making big-ticket decisions in my life.
You’d think that I would opt for this kind of decision-making for choices a little less dire, but no. I took it upon myself to dye my hair at 14 years old. My parents love me (but also probably despise me) for my random texts saying that I’ve made it safely to a destination they didn’t even know I planned to go to.
I’ve always been independent, but not when it comes to the business of breaking generational curses. I’ve always felt that it is my duty to succeed; to provide for my family by any means possible. I still believe this to be true; however, I’ve taken a fresh approach to life and showing up for those I care about. Not only do I need to show up for them I need to show up for all of my dreams and ambitions, too.
Is a generational curse really broken if it doesn’t reflect your life personally? This is a question I often had to ask myself before taking this newly found leap of faith. For most of us, the ties that kept our parents and families bound to an old way of life are already broken: we’ve graduated high school and college, we are better equipped to secure higher-grade jobs, etc. These types of curses are surface-level. Now, the important aspect is figuring out how we will improve the lives of our people beyond our own life.”
In this respect, my fresh start has already begun. I am taking it upon myself to set a precedent for my family, friends who might as well be family, and loved ones. I am using my time and efforts to achieve my dreams — a feat that those who came before were seldom able to do.
Sylah Ferguson:
“It’s hard for me to feel bad for myself because I’m doing what I love to do.” -Dom Kennedy
“A fresh start is transpiring in my life by the many changes that have happened since the beginning of this year. I’ve been at my lowest while trying to get my degree. I was knocked down from things that I loved and knew I was passionate about.
“This year I wanted something different for myself. I have seen myself flourish into the young woman I am over the past months in a beautiful way. I learned to let go of the past and negativity and only focus on what is going on now. I try to see the good in all my activities, and I am not afraid to be myself. I realized that I want to be able to help others so they can feel this way as well. My fresh start was also when I decided to cut my hair. Cutting my hair meant so much more than just it being shorter. It made me let go of something that I had been holding on to forever.
We all know that phrase “if a woman cuts her hair, she’s going through it,” but in this case, I wanted to change. I wanted something to grow once I took care of it and love myself for my pure beauty. I started recording my podcast and starting up something different for myself. At first, I was scared, but I knew that this year was going to be different. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and be comfortable with myself. I am doing just that by doing what I feel is right for me! It doesn’t get fresher than that.”
Zoë Lourey-Christianson:
“Everything that I thought was going to go wrong, simply didn’t. I just had to take the leap.”
“My most recent fresh start was quitting my job and starting a new one this past month. My previous job was emotionally and mentally draining, and I found myself mentally checking out most days. I would come home in the worst mood every day and it would take me a while to get out of it. I started feeling and seeing how hating my job was affecting every aspect of my life, and I knew I needed a change. It was a hard decision to make, though, because my job paid well, was a ten-minute walk from my house, and was a safe job in the pandemic. The choice to quit seemed illogical and I felt a lot of guilt when I finally got my new job. But, I’ve officially been at my new job for almost a full month, and I love it so much.
I thought I was taking a risk and that I’d be making less money, but I now make in a day what I was making in a whole week at my last job. I love my coworkers, I’m good at my job, and I’ve found myself actually looking forward to going to work now. Everything that I thought was going to go wrong, simply didn’t. I just had to take the leap. I am so grateful for this fresh start!”
Mariyah Rajshahiwala:
“I discovered that a fresh start is a process. A fresh start is a journey – a journey that requires a plan.”
— Vivian Jokotade
“A fresh start is a journey that isn’t linear. Somedays, you go forward faster than you expected and on other days, you end up going backward. Regardless of setbacks and failures, the most important thing is to remain on that journey. That is the promise I have made myself every day since the start of 2021.
I have three goals that I am constantly working towards.
One, working out. I have never been able to consistently work out since I graduated high school. It’s been 4 months since I started working out and I remain true to it. I handle stress in a healthier way and I feel better about my body.
Two, being productive. During winter break, I spent all my time on Netflix and Instagram. With the start of the new semester, I told myself to finish assignments in a timely manner. However, it goes beyond that. I am also working towards spending my break time productively by reading, writing, or cooking.
Third, spending time with friends. Since I went to Nairobi, I lost touch with most of my friends. Therefore, I am making a more conscious effort to connect with my friends and spend time with them. COVID has made this a little difficult to do but every time we hang out, we all make sure that our time spent is special and fun.
It really seems like 2021 is a fresh start in my life.”
Kylii Clay:
Out With The Old, In With The Fresh…
“Sometimes a fresh start means starting all over again. For me, that meant dropping a difficult class this spring semester to take it in the summer. Certain classes require a significant amount of attention and a course such as TV News can be rigorous for a beginner. It is as if a novice horseback rider was thrown onto a wild horse and set on their way.
A reporter has many responsibilities. There is so much more to reporting than meets the eye. Stories must be succinct yet informative. There are interviews, editing and voiceovers, not to mention breaking fresh and relevant news. Reporting requires an attentive eye, and it can be difficult to be attentive in one subject without neglecting the others.
This class has been known to fail a student or two, or three in its day. Even successful multimedia journalists, who are alumni, have struggled with the class. So, the intimidation levels were at 100. Initially, I did not go in with the intention to fail. I don’t believe anyone does. But as the semester went on, I felt that I was unable to put my 100% in the class. And as the withdrawal deadline drew nearer, I knew I had to make a choice. Either stick with the class and potentially tank my GPA or swallow my pride and withdraw from the class to take it in the summer. In order to make the correct decision, I had to think about what would be best for me.
The best option was to make a fresh start. Starting over is just a temporary roadblock and, frankly, not the end of the world. I am embracing this challenge by taking the class again and devoting all my time to the subject. Hopefully, with this fresh start, I can make my mark in my class.”
Damonya Jo:
“And then she realized that a fresh start was hers for the taking, that she could be the woman that she’s always seen on the distant horizon. Her future self-One step at a time starting today.”
“A fresh start is transpiring for me because I’m currently in the position of starting a new chapter in my life.
I’m a student journalist trying to get a degree along with being a part of an internship program. Most importantly, I’m a full-time employee, with the urge to move to a new city and get a fresh start on new experiences.
Taking this leap of faith would be such an inspiration for me, it would allow me to see my vision come to life.
A “fresh start” is what everyone needs. I believe a fresh start allows individuals to open up to new experiences, it allows them to accomplish personal goals and conquer personal expectations.
My definition of a fresh start is a born-again opportunity. Do you want a clean slate? Well, take action. A fresh start isn’t a new place it’s a new mindset.”
We’re so proud of our spring class! Keep up the good work Royal Woman and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors!