By: Kristal Cunningham

A general misconception is that managing your natural hair has to be some daunting task that takes tons of effort and hours to master. While maintaining your natural tresses does take some effort, it doesn’t have to be an arduous task that leaves you wondering why you chose this path.


Regardless of if you are new to this lifestyle or have been rocking your natural hair since birth, your biggest enemy will always be pessimism. Firsthand experience has taught me that we are only as successful as we believe we will be. Don’t believe me? Think about it. How many times have you predicted a negative outcome before you’ve even started a process? How much better would the outcome have been if you only approached it with a little optimism?

I’m not talking about being blissfully unaware or down right ignorant of the of the challenges that may occur, but I am saying that we have far greater potential to succeed when we start with the proper set of beliefs.

That’s great Kristal, but how does this apply to my hair?


Well, I’m glad you asked. What are your first thoughts when approaching this natural journey? What stories are you telling yourself concerning the challenges that you may be having surrounding our natural hair? Have you succumb to the idea that this will be a struggle? Are you always prepared for your wash day results to be a failure? Are you too weighed down with negative thoughts to see the potential or beauty in the results you have achieved?

If your initial thoughts were negative, or you’re on the brink of giving up, let me talk you off the ledge. Listen, I’ve been where you are, had the same negative thoughts, and even contemplated quitting. Then, I turned it all around…

Realizing that my current path was getting me nowhere, I began visualizing the positive possibilities that eventually became reality all because I changed my thought process. Yes, it’s just that easy. Before starting my wash day, I opened myself to the possibility of actually succeeding. Going through this process also helped me to recognize the challenges that might occur and adequately prepare for them. It also forced me to acknowledge the areas where I was lacking and then find ways to achieve success.

Need a great place to start? Well the only place to start is with you. You are in control. You have ultimate power over your feelings and thoughts. You can use that power to orchestrate more positive outcomes, or you can continue on your current path and be frustrated with marginal results.



“Before starting my wash day, I opened myself to the possibility of actually succeeding. Going through this process also helped me to recognize the challenges that might occur and adequately prepare for them. It also forced me to acknowledge the areas where I was lacking and then find ways to achieve success.”

When was the last you were intentional about being positive concerning you natural hair and your overall success in managing it? Let’s start together!

Moving forward, consider the following:

  • The possibility I am holding myself accountable for in my natural journey is…
  • Then actually apply it to your hair care journey.

As with most things in life, this may take time and there will probably be a learning curve. Stick with it and a be consistent, and you will begin to reap the benefits of your positive thoughts.

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