

Kendrick Lamar said it best when he hooked on Beyonce’s track, “Freedom.”

“Revolution televised, hoping that you see the signs.”

Type in the hashtag #blacklivesmatter and you’ll see a global movement like never seen before in the fight against injustice and racism on African Americans. Turn on the TV and scroll down your newsfeed and you’ll see millions demonstrating.  The death of George Floyd has sparked a long, overdue stand and hopefully, the start of a new and solidified beginning.  It’s also brought upon a renewed pride in our blackness. Black creatives have been immortalizing the moment through their art.

Below are a few of our favorites:

Stina Leah 



Shonte Young Williams 


Awodiya Toluwani Samson 



David A





Alexia is the publisher and editor-in-chief of RoyalTee Magazine and the founder of RoyalTee Enterprises.