Do you often feel like something is missing in your life? Like you’re not quite living up to your potential? If so, you’re not alone. Millions of people go through life feeling unfulfilled.

There are many reasons why someone might feel this way. Maybe you’re stuck in a job that doesn’t inspire you and just stay for a paycheck. Maybe you’re in a relationship that isn’t fulfilling. Maybe you don’t have any close friends or family members.

Wait, what does feeling unfulfilled even mean?

What does it mean to feel unfulfilled?

Simply put, feeling unfulfilled means that you’re not satisfied with your current situation. You feel like there’s more to life than what you’re currently experiencing.

This can manifest itself in many different ways. For some people, it might mean a constant feeling of restlessness or boredom. Others might feel like they’re not reaching their full potential.

Whatever the case may be, feeling unfulfilled can be a tough thing to deal with.

If you’re not sure if you’re feeling unfulfilled, ask yourself these questions:

Do I often feel like something is missing in my life?

Do I feel like I’m not quite living up to my potential?

Do I feel stuck in a rut?

Do I feel like my life lacks purpose or meaning?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it’s possible that you’re feeling unfulfilled.

Now that we’ve defined what it means to feel unfulfilled, let’s talk about some of the ways you can feel happier and more fulfilled in life.

Courtesy of Breonna Q

How to feel more fulfilled in life

1. Find your passion

One of the best ways to feel more fulfilled is to find something you’re passionate about. What are you interested in? What makes you excited? Once you find your passion, pursue it with everything you have.

And finding your passion doesn’t mean quitting your job and moving to another country where you crochet all day (although if that’s your passion, more power to you!). Finding your passion can be as simple as joining a dance class if you love to dance, doing your hair if that brings you joy, or starting back writing if you’ve always loved telling stories.


2. Set goals and achieve them

Another way to feel more fulfilled is to set goals for yourself and then actually achieve them. This can be anything from learning a new skill to losing weight to starting your own business. Setting and achieving goals will give you a sense of accomplishment and make you feel more fulfilled.



3. Help others

One of the most fulfilling things you can do is to help others. This can be anything from volunteering your time to donating money to a worthy cause.

When you help others, you’ll feel good about yourself, and your life will have more meaning.


4. Spend time with loved ones

Spending time with loved ones is another great way to feel fulfilled. Whether it’s your boo, your kids, your parents, or your close friends, spending time with people you care about will make you feel good.

No friends or close family? Join a meetup or a local event and meet new people!


5. Do something new

Finally, one of the best ways to feel fulfilled is to do something new. This can be anything from traveling to a new country to taking up a new hobby. Trying new things will broaden your horizons and make you feel more alive.

So here are some of my tips to start living a more fulfilled life. Remember, you have the power to change your life. I’m rooting for you!


Breonna Queen is a beauty and lifestyle blogger and youtuber for black millennial women over at