Summer is over and its back to the grind- school grind that is! Education is essential to achieving our goals and RoyalTeeGirls and High Heels, High Hopes wants to make sure you’re prepared to take that journey. We’re teaming up to jump start your new school year by starting your off with the basics in a back-to-school giveaway, social media contest.
Qualifications to participate:
1. You must be a young lady between the ages of 12 -17 years old and enrolled in a middle or high school full-time.
2. You must FOLLOW the Instagram for RoyalTeeGirls and High Heels, High Hopes
3. Using the hashtag#RoyalGirlsWithHighHopes,you must post a video of yourself on Instagram
4. explaining your goals and how you intend to achieve them. (When posting your video or picture remember to hashtag AND tag RoyalTee Girls and High Heels and High Hopes as well)
Contest starts: August 1st at midnight
Deadline to apply: September 1st at midnight
We’re picking 5 winners! Prizes include ( besides school supplies) a Target gift card, High Heels, High Hopes and RoyalTee Girls T-shirt and an inspirational note from each of us!
Remember we’re in it to WIN IT. All we want to do is see you be successful! And who knows, your
testimonies could be inspiration for someone else!